Siren Apocalyptic
Players: 477
Have you ever heard of a monster with a siren's head that emits an awful howl when approached? This monster appeared after a failed experiment by scientists and settled on a remote island. Everyone who went to the island to destroy the monster never returned. You'll be the next one to be tasked with killing the monster. Go to the creepy island where the Sirenhead and many other experiment bugs live. Try to save the world and exterminate all mutant animals, as well as their main leader.
Landing on a boat rather look for a hut. On the way you will be attacked by mutants, from which you will have to fight off from the first seconds of being on the island. In the hut you will find a chest with cameras, which you need to place in different parts of the island to observe every part of it. Now you can follow the monsters on the map, on which red dots indicate all the objects that need to be destroyed, as well as the main monster, the battle with which will not pass.