Mentally Disturbed Grandpa: The Asylum
Players: 279
A crazy grandfather, known for his strange antics, was not much in demand in society. However, his actions attracted the attention of an experienced journalist, and he decided to investigate his strange behavior. Unexpectedly for everyone, including the grandfather himself, his eccentric actions led to the fact that he was drawn into a complex intrigue. Trying to avoid meeting with the investigator, the grandfather began to hide from him, but as a result he found himself trapped in a psychiatric hospital surrounded by high walls and insidious tricks. For the journalist it became a real test. His task is to get out of this ominous place, where the rules establish completely different laws. Life in the asylum does not pay much attention, and no one cares about the safety or comfort of patients. Now every minute of being in this place is a struggle for survival.
To overcome the terrible grandfather, who has now acquired an even more sinister appearance, is not so easy. The journalist will have to explore every corner of the hospital to find weapons and tools necessary for escape. He must be extremely careful not to fall into the clutches of a bloodthirsty maniac. The fight for survival is just beginning, and the stake in this game is his own life. Get out of the ominous walls of the hospital and tell the world about the crazy grandpa and his lair.