Zombie city
Players: 321
After a long period of chaos and destruction caused by the zombie apocalypse, the world has finally begun its road to recovery. The sun seemed to shine brighter, as if a symbol of a new beginning, and the streets, previously sullen and deserted, were now alive with bright colors and the buzz of life. Although the virus is no longer spreading and a cure to eradicate it has never been found, people realize that the only way to safety is to eliminate the zombies that continue to be a threat to the survivors. Your mission in this game is to get into the heart of the zombie city and free it from danger.
You will have to defy the darkness, encountering on your way monsters and mutants that are ready to attack at every corner. Your survival depends on your courage, skills and ability to react quickly to danger. But be vigilant: zombies are sensitive to movements and sounds. As soon as they notice your presence, they head toward you with tireless determination. Your survival depends on your ability to maneuver among the monsters, avoiding collisions and using all available means to destroy them before they can catch up with you.