Return Of Evil Granny: The School
Players: 375
Granny is an old lady with a bat who loves to play baseball, but she chooses live people as her targets, beating them to a pulp. Grandma got out of her mansion, and found a new home, which was an abandoned school. Here now there is not a soul, and locals from time to time hear strange screams that come from the walls of the school. Perhaps it's those unfortunate passers-by who happened to enter the school corridor to see what's inside, and now have become victims of Grenny, who mercilessly bludgeons them with her bat.
Take your weapon and go to the school to deal with the old woman once and for all and destroy her. Your task is to find 8 keys, somewhere in the corridors of the school. Explore every corner of the building, bypassing it along and across, go around the perimeter of the scattered furniture, because anywhere can be a cherished find. Be careful, because as soon as you are close to what you are looking for, Granny will come running to get you off the right path. Then use weapons from the arsenal and destroy the old woman and her allies to move on.