Haunted School
Players: 312
This school had been closed long ago, due to the string of accidents that had occurred within its walls. In a week, several students had hanged themselves in their classrooms, a couple of kids had gone missing, and others had cried out with one voice that they would never return to that place. What had happened there? No one ever dared to tell. After the school was closed, a priest was sent there to sanctify the school, protecting it from evil spirits that might have taken up residence there. The priest spent a lot of time inside the school, but never came out. What happened to him, and where he disappeared to, remains a mystery... Now it's your turn to go to the ill-fated school, find out its secret and banish the devil, who has done a lot of misfortune.
Once inside the walls of the school, you will realize that the priest is gone, but he managed to leave many notes with clues throughout the school, for the one who will continue his mission. The priest wanted to perform an exorcism ritual, and expel the devil from one student, who is forever locked in the walls of the institution. The girl is capable of much, and it was she who made her classmates hang themselves, others became her victims and just disappeared without a trace. Try not to repeat the same thing. Follow the priest's clues. Look for a shotgun to help you fight off the devil child. But only for a while... Your task is to finish what the holy father started, solving all the riddles, and exorcise the devil from the girl, with the help of a secret ritual on the pentagram.