Groomy Island
Players: 328
This is a new realistic survival game, in which you by a ridiculous accident found yourself on a deserted island. It seems that there is not a single living soul here. But you're wrong! Groomy is the only native. He's a fat purple monster with burning eyes. Groomy knows you're here and he's already hunting you because he's hungry. The huge dark territory of the island is frightening from the first seconds of being on it. To get off the island, your task is quite simple - collect 10 neon cocktails. But be careful, Groomy does not miss those who have already been on his territory and will let you just leave his island.
At the beginning of the game, a neon strip will guide you all the way to the first cocktail. Then follow only your intuition, because all you have is a pocket flashlight, which will light the way in the darkest places. Move around the island, following the map. Go into yards, houses and look for the coveted cocktails. You can get off the island only after finding all 10 drinks. Look carefully around, because Groomy is not slumbering and will always try to catch his victim. If the monster catches up with you, he will have a big lunch and the game will have to start again.