Forsake the Rake
Players: 338
Together with your partner, you are assigned to investigate a mysterious forest where the locals claim that strange figures and shadows roam at night. At first, it seemed to be just rumors, but your investigation led to the discovery of a sinister laboratory hidden among the dense foliage.
Upon entering the lab, you discovered that it was evidence of mysterious experiments and research that no one knew about. The mystical creatures that the locals spoke of were the result of these experiments, and now they are ready to attack those who dare to step into their lair.
Your mission is to go through this dangerous forest and explore the laboratory, destroying all the monsters that crossed the line between reality and myth. You will have to be careful and cautious, look for clues and collect clues that will help you understand what was going on here.
In addition, you will have to take care of your comrade, because only together you can survive in this dangerous and mysterious world.